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Quick start#



Aurum requires Python 3.10 or higher.

Run command pip install (1) aurum-hikari or:

  1. You can use the -U flag with the install command (e.g., pip install -U ...) to update a package.

python3 -m pip install (1) aurum-hikari

  1. You can use the -U flag with the install command (e.g., pip install -U ...) to update a package.

py -m pip install (1) aurum-hikari

  1. You can use the -U flag with the install command (e.g., pip install -U ...) to update a package.

How to#

Create a command#

Slash command#

You need to import the SlashCommand class and inherit from it.


class HelloCommand(SlashCommand):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super().__init__(name="hello", description="Say hi to bot")  # (1)

    async def callback(self, context: InteractionContext) -> None:
        await context.create_response(f"Hi, {context.user.mention}!")
  1. Base information about your command: name, description, default member permissions and etc.
class ABCCommand(SlashCommand):  # (1)
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super().__init__(name="a")  # (2)

    @sub_command(name="b")  # (3)
    async def b_command(self, context: InteractionContext) -> None:
        ...  # (4)

    async def b_c_command(self, context: InteractionContext) -> None:
  1. When command has a sub-commands, callback will be ignored.
  2. Base information about your command: name, description, default member permissions and etc.
  3. Base information about your sub-command. The same fields with slash-command, but without guild, default member permissions, is nsfw, dm enabled flags.
  4. If sub-command have another sub-command, callback of parent sub-command will be ignored too.

User command#


User command this an application command in user's context menu.

You need to import the UserCommand class and inherit from it.


class HelloUserCommand(UserCommand):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super().__init__(name="Hello to")

    async def callback(self, context: InteractionContext, target: InteractionMember | User) -> None:
        await context.create_response(f"Hi, {target.mention}!")

Message command#


User command this an application command in message's context menu.

You need to import the MessageCommand class and inherit from it.


class ReverseTextCommand(MessageCommand):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super().__init__(name="Reverse", dm_enabled=True)

    async def callback(self, context: InteractionContext, message: Message) -> None:
        await context.create_response(message.content[::-1])

Work with plugins#

For clarity, you can see a sample project with plugins in the examples.

Work with components#

Sadly, but at the moment Aurum don't have a components.